The access and use of the website (hereinafter, “Web”) attributes the condition of user to the visitor of the Web and implies full acceptance without reservations by the user of the conditions of use in force at all times.

In compliance with Law 15/99 LOPD, we inform you that your personal data and other information provided through the registration form as well as from the purchase orders placed, will be included and retained for automated processing in a file, owned by Fourtech racing s.l. (hereinafter VOGEPARTS), until cancellation is requested. The treatment will be used for the development and execution of the sale, the personalized attention of the products and services purchased and the improvement of such attention, as well as the promotion of products and services or third party companies linked to VOGEPARTS.

Business transactions are conducted in a secure server environment under SSL protocol and all communications are transmitted encrypted to ensure the highest level of protection.

We remind you not to provide your card information via email, fax or social networks.

The client expressly authorizes that certain data will be made available to other collaborating companies for the indicated purposes of providing the service: carriers, financial institutions… VOGEPARTS will treat this data with the utmost confidentiality being the sole and exclusive recipient of the same, and not making transfers or communications to third parties outside those indicated by current regulations.

At the same time, the user authorizes the sending of commercial advice, offers and promotional contests, including through electronic means, by VOGEPARTS and the aforementioned entities.

In order to improve access, information and security, the VOGEPARTS website uses “cookies” files that are installed in the memory of the browser or in the hard disk of the user’s computer.

Please read carefully the help section of your browser to learn more about how to activate the “private mode”. Although you will still be able to visit our website, navigation may not be optimal and some utilities may not work properly as well as the quality and speed of the service provided.

At any time you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition or cancellation, by sending an e-mail to [email protected] attaching a copy of your ID card or document that replaces it.